Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blog Post 7

How do we all become learners?

My strengths and weaknesses:
In my opinion, one of my strengths is being familiar with Apple products. In classrooms today, there is a lot of use with iPads, MacBooks, and Educational Apps. I am usually a quick learner with new things that Apple comes out with. I think that my knowledge of Apple products will really be handy in my future classroom because I will be using these technology tools to benefit the learning of my students. Of course they will be using them too, probably even more than me!
On the other hand, my weaknesses may be keeping a collection of activities to be done in a Project-Based Learning atmosphere. Before I graduate, that is one thing that I need to work on. I need to start collecting activities and lessons for my future use. Also, another weakness I may have is not using my PLN as often as I should. Once I become more familiar with it, I know it will be very beneficial to my future as an educator.

In the video, How to make an audio QR code, I learned the steps on how to thoroughly makes an audio QR code. Michelle Bennet explains how to start making the code you go to the website Record Mp3. From this website, you record your voice for all types of things such as, reading a book for your students to listen to. Press start, do not start talking until the number rolls over the number 1. Then, when you have recorded what you want, press stop. You can now play back the audio message that you recorded. After recording, a URL code will display and now I can copy this URL code. Next, go to the website QR Code Monkey which generates the audio code. Enter your URL code that you copied, click create and there is the QR code. Next, I can copy and paste it into word. I then print it out for my students or parents. Also, you can purchase a QR code scanner that is needed to scan the code for actually listening back to the code.

In the video, iPad Reading Center, I learned how to use the iPad for a tool for reading and recording in a center for Kindergarten. This is a way for students to video themselves reading and then go back and listen to themselves read so they can follow along again in the book to see if they made an errors. This is a great way for students to become aware of their reading errors, so they can further correct themselves. I have never seen this method for a reading center, but I think this is a great way to use the iPad as a learning tool. It is also FUN for the kids!

Photo By: Steamboat Today
Image on students working with iPads in the classroom

In the video, Poplet with Ginger Tuck by Michelle Bennet, I learned how the teacher uses the "Poplet" free app to make a "Poplet" center. This is the process of creating a web around the poplet based on a career book. The Kindergarteners use a book as the source of their information. The students use the words and pictures to make the poplet. Once the Poplet is done it looks like a web that helps them see all the important information from the book. This is a great tool for the students to really explore their book more and it's also a way for them to learn the certain "Topic" of the book. For instance, in this video, Mrs. Bennet's kindergartener used a veterinarian book so now the student can keep this web to read over. Before this video I had never heard of "Poplet" and now I am glad I have learned about how and why to use them.

In the video, AVL and Kindergarten Students by Michelle Bennet, I learned that there is a AVL app that students can use in the classroom. On the AVL website, the students types in the word they want to search and then results come up. When the word is entered, a picture, an introduction of the word, and a listening portion too. This is a great way for students to visual and read about the objects. For instance, in this Kindergarten class they are researching transportation. The child enters a word, such as bicycle. From here, they can view the information about that object and create their own picture from it. This is a great hands-on activity for learning more about certain objects and more.

In the video, Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project, I learned how to create a board on Discovery Education. The students will log in on the website and go to Board Builder. On this site, they can personalize their own board. The students type in all of their project information by using the keyboard. Images and videos can also be added to a Board Builder. This is a great tool for students to really become engaged with their projects because they enter the information and create it themselves. After students create their project board, they can write a narrative story about their project. This process of using Discovery Education to access Board Builder lets the students be as creative as they can while learning about their topics.

In the video, Mrs. Tassin 2nd Grade Students Share Board Builder Projects, I learned about two of Mrs. Tassin's 2nd grade students who are in the process of creating e a Board Builder Project about "Whales." The students were able to be creative with their board, while learning something new about whales after they took a virtual field trip to Glacier National Park in Alaska.

In the video, Mrs. Tassin's Students Share Board Builder Project, I learned about a group of Gulf Shores Elemntarty students who are using Board Builder. This groups makes a project about "Loose Change for the Haven" to help animals in need. This is a great example of a PBL project where the students collect information and pictures about their topics.

In the video, Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten by Dr. Strange, I learned information about iMovie and AVL from Elizabeth Davis and Michelle Bennett. Mrs. Bennett explains how Kindergarteners use iMovie to make book trailers. She exclaims how amazing it is that young children 5 and 6 years old are so capable of using these technology sources. Mrs. Davis discusses how Kindergarteners use AVL to research different topics, such as animals, on a regular basis! This is exciting because the students are so young, but yet they are engaging in technology and learning!

Photo by: Kite Readers
Image of students working with iPads in a center

In the video, We All Become Learners, Dr. Strange, Elizabeth Davis, and Michelle Bennett have a conversation about learning. Mrs. Bennett points out that when students use "devices" it comes down to teachers teaching students, students teaching students, and students teaching teachers. The dynamic of this is that everyone becomes a learner and everyone becomes a teacher. I think that this is a great concept. Mrs. Bennett also talks about how the tool "Padlet" is very useful for anything! The Kindergarteners are even teaching Mrs. Bennett new things about Padlet. A statement that Mrs. Bennett said that really stood out to me is "We all become learners in each other's personal network." This is so true! Nowadays, it is so true in the fact that the students teach the teachers something new with technology and the programs they are working with.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Robin. You did a wonderful job with a lot more detail than I went into. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading you strengths and weaknesses. I am the complete opposite with the familiarity of Apple products, I'm a single mother and I can't afford Apple product but I am a quick learner with technology in general. You should check out Pinterest for some project based learning ideas. It's a great tool to gather ideas and create your own. I hope we can improve on our weaknesses!
